ZIVELO – A New Road to Retail

  • story by E.J. Webber
  • posted on 06/2018
  • posted in: Newswire

The future of shopping, even in the automotive industry, is becoming increasingly software defined. As dealers ramp-up to try to match innovators like Tesla (who sell cars in 20 X 40’ stores in the mall) more and more of these innovations are centering around interactive technology – the kind of kiosk and digital signage technology, hardware, software, and services that Scottsdale-based tech company ZIVELO provides. And that’s the forte of new CEO Healey Cypher. Immediately prior to coming on board at ZIVELO, Healey was the co-Founder and CEO of Oak Labs, the Silicon Valley based software company best known for interactive retail technology powered by OakOS. Before this, he led a storied career as the Head of Retail Innovation at eBay.

The business case behind interactive experiences in stores is indisputable. Companies like McDonald’s boast 30% basket-lift from self-service kiosks. Apparel companies show 20% store lift with endless aisle experiences. Yet despite this incredible need, rolling out kiosks programs can still be challenging. So, earlier this year, ZIVELO and Oak Labs merged to form the first software-led kiosk company – offering powerful interactive applications on a beautiful software platform. The company is a leader across multiple industries, including automotive, restaurants, healthcare, retail, transportation, banking, and more, with clients ranging from the Fortune 100 to nearly every branch of the U.S. Government.

In light of this article appearing in our Highline Autos magazine, we asked Healey if he could give us a sneak preview of what an interactive kiosk would look like at an automotive venue: “We believe everyone deserves and elevated experience. People love convenience and choice. People also love to learn and shop at their pace without feeling they are in a high-intensity sales situation. The future is already here, with dealerships letting customers customize, inspect, and explore what their dream car might look like. Even better yet, they attach their explorations (e.g. the ruby red convertible with chestnut leather interior) to their profile so the next time they return to the dealership, the dealership becomes THEIR dealership right where they left off.”


It’s important to note that while interactive is becoming increasingly prevalent in stores, it doesn’t mean removing the amazing team working the floor. It’s not about de-humanizing, it’s about re-humanizing. Letting the team and customers co-create experiences, personalize products, and ultimately spend more time on the relationship and less time on paperwork. “Fundamentally, good selling is just helping, not a high-pressure sales experience when all you want is some information before you make a decision.” says Cypher. In fact, the cornerstone of ZIVELO’s business is helping their clients fully understand what it takes to build out their future experiences and taking them from novice to expert – on everything from planning, installation services, and even management/maintenance. It’s that kind of customer-centric focus that ZIVELO makes all of their clients so successful. “We want to be remembered as the ‘one hand to shake as opposed to the one throat you want to choke.”

Healey, who has been recognized as Silicon Valley Business Journal’s “40 Under 40,” WWD’s “Ten of Tomorrow,” and was awarded one of Goldman Sachs’ “Top 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs,” sees public computing as the next frontier of mobility. As brands seek to create digital parity in their physical experiences and see that customers simply don’t ‘download their mobile apps, beautiful heads-up experiences are proving tremendous dividends and where ZIVELO is focusing for the future.

To add the finishing touch to this fine new company with a sterling reputation, it must be noted that they also operate under motivated purposes that support various philanthropic endeavors.  ZIVELO has created a foundation that supports worldwide relief initiatives, includes tree planting after each kiosk sale to offset carbon footprints, discounts to non-profit organizations, and has supported local and national charities.


For more information please call 877.734.7063 and visit www.zivelo.com/motion
